Girls…. Well, that’s in the words of Beyoncé but we all know that’s not true. We appreciate the girl spirit though Queen Bey!

Do I think women run the world? Absolutely not, we do not. Would I love it if women ran the world, absolutely, I would and we could. The power a woman has is absolute, it’s ethereal and it’s all-encompassing. A woman possesses the power over nature, over emotions, over life itself and I don’t mean in the same capacity as God, but we are divine. No wonder Ariana sang “God is a woman!” Many found it blasphemous, I did not. I do believe however that God is too big an entity to be restricted to a gender, but I wonder what the outrage is since there is none of that outrage when God is referred to as a ‘He’.

This is not a woman against man type of post, so to the men that read this, pipe down and keep an open mind and you’ll get my message. I am by nature a very observant person and that happens when you have a vested interest in the world around you. It is therefore not because I am a woman that I think women are the most powerful beings God created, it is simply so as a factor of my observation and you can disagree with that. There’s a reason this blog is titled after my inspired thoughts. Now, if women are so powerful, why are they ruled by men? Why not the other way?

The truth of the matter is, women being so powerful still have one major flaw and that is the reason we are being ruled by men. That is the reason why now, we have to fight tooth and nail for equality when basically, we could be ruling the universe! This major flaw is in our emotions. Now sometimes, very rarely, you meet a woman who isn’t ruled by her emotions and when you do meet such a woman, please have the good sense to FEAR HER! I say fear her because that right there is a very dangerous woman. The only limitation a woman has is her emotions and if one masters it, if one can control it, if she can channel it to her use and add it to her arsenal, then she is lethal. I aspire to that level of lethality.

What do I mean by emotions being a flaw? Women would know a thing to be a certain way, but would let emotions guide them rather than their heads which God has crowned with such wisdom. It is also based off of these emotions that women get in the way of each other. I always say this and quote me anywhere, “There is only one reason women don’t rule the universe…. Women! If we just got out of our own way, we would not be able to be contended with.” I put it in quotation marks even though it’s my quote because I take it that seriously. The emotional woman seeks validation, she seeks attention, she seeks superiority and relevance. The emotional woman strives to be better than the next woman, is in competition with all women and is embittered when another, rather than she, wins. The emotional woman is catty, jealous, envious and conniving! That is the emotional flaw of women and if you can rise above this, my God!

As a matter of fact, the mere knowledge of this being a flaw makes you dangerous because then you know what to work on. I see women talking each other down, backbiting, happy when one fails, shaming the other and competing to be better than the other. Why??? This is one thing patriarchy has capitalised on and weaponised. That is also the reason men rule the world, their skills of observation is second to none. I know this because as the observant person that I am, I have been able to glean secrets without being told, I have been able to gauge weaknesses and were I not a God-fearing person, I always tell my friends, I would already be a known force to be reckoned with. This is because once you can see into the soul of a person from observing them for a time, you can control them. That is a dangerous ability that I try not to harness for the fear of God.

A friend once called me narcissistic and manipulative, all terrible words and I was hurt. In hindsight, I see what he saw and it is that side of me that has the ability to control people without even realising it. It is that side of me I fight to keep beneath the shores. But, I digress. My point is, men have mastered this art but unlike me, men do not fight to keep it under the shores. On the contrary, they fight each day to make a more sinister and calibrated weapon out of it. This is the secret to men ruling the world and women struggling to be heard. I feel I should note, for the less perceptive ones, that when I say ‘men’ it is not a generalisation. It is not even in antagonism, it is simply a statement of fact as I see it and I am a realist not an idealist.

Men know this inherent weakness in women and from time immemorial they have realised this is the key to world domination. If women are emotional, if that is their one flaw in creatures so earth-shatteringly powerful, then we must use that flaw to keep them in check. This led to the birth of men pushing women into competition with themselves. Making a certain standard the golden standard, and because women are competitive, they fight to be that standard. Body type, way of life, culture, and even way of thought. Men are lethal in that way! They can manipulate and use that as a way to dominate.

Now, with women bickering over each other, fighting over who is sexier, has the best body, has the most men and such nonsense, men are ruling the world. With women climbing over each other, tearing each other down, men are lending each other hands and pulling themselves to the top. “Women supporting women”? What an absolute hog wash. There is no such thing, at least not for the 99.99% of women. Congratulations if you, like me, belong to the 0.01%. The 1% of the 1% as I like to call it. If women would get out of their own way, drop all of these mundane and superficial load of cow dung, forgive my language, we would soar and we would be unstoppable and quite possibly, we would dominate men.

This is a palpable fear for men and that is why they fight tooth and nail to make sure we stay fighting and despite our intelligence, we let emotions rule us and hence they win. Now, it is not a competition, I have no problems with men winning or ruling as long as they do not for a second think I am less worthy of that crown. As long as they do not for a second try to inhibit me on my journey to that crown. As long as they do not for a second refuse me obeisance when I do attain that crown. I believe in equality, I believe women, just like men, should rule. I believe in balance. So when you read this post, do not think I am pushing an agenda of matriarchy, that would be just as bad as patriarchy. This is why I have called it lethal! However, I am stating facts when I say women could in fact dominate men and run a matriarchy with the level of power we have; it would be so easy if we just got out of our own heads.

Setting cultures that make women subjugated is the agenda of patriarchy to keep the women in check. Cultures that enslave women, dictate to women, reduce women’s worth and create an almost spiritual essence in women bowing to men is the construct of patriarchy to keep women in check. It saddens my heart to see women fall for it line, hook and sinker. Now, look at marriage and mind you, I have nothing against marriage, if I find a man who fits my bill, I would marry. It would however be because I believe in one love and building with one person not because culture demands I marry or be seen as a pariah. Women clamour now for husbands so as to avoid the social stigma, that social stigma is a construct created by men to keep women in check and we let our emotions run us to the ground. We let our emotions turn us to the perfect puppets at the pleasure of the patriarchal puppeteer.

When you as a woman realise your power, you will bow to no one but God. You will kneel to no one but God. Now I don’t mean you cannot kneel to your husband, that is your choice, just like it is his choice to kneel to propose to you. But do you know it is your choice? Do you know you do not have to? The only one you MUST KNEEL TO/BOW TO is God almighty, no one else! When you as a woman realise that you literally walk in between the paths of life and death and most often than not come out victorious, you will know then that you hold the power over nature, birth and the continuity of life. If all women said for instance, no more child bearing, well the world comes to an end. I am not reducing the role of men, there would also be no world without their seed but that cannot be compared to the power of taking that seed and turning it to life and bringing in that life. Do you even know how powerful you are, Woman?

Who runs the world? Men and that’s a shame. It should be balanced or nothing. Now, if men insist that one must rule, that’s okay, women will take that crown and rule with the full might and power of our glorious beings. That is, of course, if we get out of our own way. If a woman wants surgery to feel more like how she wants to feel, applaud her. If a woman doesn’t want to marry, applaud her. If she does want to marry, applaud her. Whatever choices a woman makes that hurts no one else, APPLAUD THAT CHOICE. Stop the cattiness, stop the pettiness, stop the jealousy, you are just as great and the only person you should be in competition with, is yourself.

I would love a daughter, just so I can raise her to get to the full potentials of her power. I hope you aspiring mothers do the same because through us a generation of the fiercest, domineering and powerful women shall be born. It will either be equality or matriarchy! Hopefully, the world chooses equality.

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